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About Massage

Deep Tissue & Sports Massage


Deep tissue and Sports Massage therapy  is remedial in nature means applying deep pressure to soft tissue in order to stimulate the circulatory and nervous system.
It can be beneficial to promote health and everyday quality of life, and also condition soft tissue to promote performance, avoid injury, but if the unfortunate occurs, to aid recovery.

Sports and Remedial Massage promotes:
General circulation: to aid growth, repair and nutrition, eliminate waste matter
Lymphatic flow: promotes the flow of lymph through the body, to the lymph nodes. This helps filter out toxins in the body.  The lymphatic system is an important part of our body’s immune system, fighting bacteria and infection.
Breakdown of Scar tissue and adhesions: scar tissue which is part of the initial healing process, can overdevelop chronically and calcify, limiting movement. Adhesions form from scar tissues sticking  muscle fibres together, and over time mat together into a hard lump or knot. Muscle fibre needs to be able to glide smoothly over another, so this can affect function. Remedial Massage can help breakdown down adhesions, promote blood flow to the local area, and continue the breakdown and healing process.
Flexibility: massage can have a stretching effect of the muscle fibres, and help increase range of movement.
Nervous system function: massage can promote relaxation of tissues, and reduction of pain.

By promoting a balance of your nervous system can help with other factors such as:

  • Blood pressure
  • Migraines
  • Insomnia
  • Digestive disorders