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A Nice Plot in
A Nice Plot in
A Nice Plot in the World?

It may not seem so unusual, but that’s because we’re dealing with something that’s far less controversial than ISIS. The Islamic State is not simply just an Islamist gang, it’s a dangerous organization dedicated to fighting the West in all its forms. But when those groups do come into existence, they will be largely outmaneuvered and outmaneuvered by what can only be described as a far greater threat, or by the enemy. We have heard too many examples of the same phenomenon.

But maybe that’s not a coincidence! For the Muslim world, it may be even harder to imagine that ISIS, with its tentacles everywhere, is fighting an Islamist group that is more than a few years old as an organization. As George Orwell once noted, terrorists are “nations and clans, who join and unite in war upon every other nation and nation on earth.” A Nice Plot in
So a more recent threat to the Western economy will come with a different type of threat, if the Islamic State truly finds its way into the Western world. ISIS (or at least to the west, perhaps ISIS and other jihadis) will face a number of different threats, and may be prepared to confront them out of necessity and simply for its own sake.

This post originally appeared on The Conversation. Read the original article.